A Internacional

__ dementesim . . Do rio que tudo arrasta se diz que é violento Mas ninguém diz violentas as margens que o comprimem. . _____ . Quem luta pelo comunismo Deve saber lutar e não lutar, Dizer a verdade e não dizer a verdade, Prestar serviços e recusar serviços, Ter fé e não ter fé, Expor-se ao perigo e evitá-lo, Ser reconhecido e não ser reconhecido. Quem luta pelo comunismo . . Só tem uma verdade: A de lutar pelo comunismo. . . Bertold Brecht

sexta-feira, janeiro 01, 2010

WSWS News 2009.12.31

New Today -- 31 December 2009


The Northwest Flight 253 intelligence failure: Negligence or conspiracy?

The extraordinary scale of the supposed intelligence breakdown surrounding the attempted terror bombing of a Northwest flight on Christmas Day should not be explained away as mere negligence or a "failure to connect the dots.";

News & Analysis

Obama administration prepares public opinion for attack on Yemen

Five days after the unsuccessful attempt by a Nigerian student to set off a bomb aboard a Detroit-bound passenger jet, US military and intelligence officials are said to be preparing expanded military action against targets in Yemen.

Canada's Conservatives shut down parliament, again

Britain: Record fall in pay levels

Britain's pension provision threatened with collapse

Obama-backed health bill: "Cadillac" tax to target one in five plans

US state and local tax revenues plummet

Germany: Five years since the Hartz IV labour "reforms"

Arts Review

Best films of 2009 and the decade

In praise of George Eliot's Adam Bede on its 150th anniversary: Part 2


Letters from our readers

Read more at wsws.org

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